Breakups, Singleness, and Dating// guest: Faith Makka// SS2 Ep. 2

ABOUT THIS EPISODE Breakups come with the territory of dating and while we can’t always escape the pain, God is able to turn our heartbreak around for our good. 2 breakups, 1 failed engagement, and 1 narcissistic ex later Faith’s intentionality during her post-breakup journey allowed her to experience Jesus not only as her healer but as the one who filled in the void no man ever could. Not too long after, God gave her a husband that was more than she could’ve prayed for. Faith’s story proves that no matter how ghetto these dating streets are, we can navigate singleness and dating and still keep our peace, joy, wholeness, and hope. This is the Christian dating advice you didn’t know you needed and we’re starting with what is most unaddressed- healing after breakups.


Read the blog here HERE

CONNECT WITH OUR GUEST: Faith Makka @faitholola


Becoming A Kingdom Influencer// guest: @aminaplease // SS2 Ep. 3


LIFE CHECK 1 , 2! (+ happy new year!)// SS2 Ep. 1