Nyorh Agwe

My faith journey began between the stitches of a Brother sewing machine. A wishful artist born to two Cameroonian Doctors, to say my path was out of the box is an understatement. Against the persuasion of others, I held on to the dream of one day being on Project Runway and graduated from Parsons with a BFA in Fashion Design. Alas, Project Runway was quickly replaced with the dream of dressing Solange and so I worked…and worked and worked and worked- trusting that my works would open up doors I never had the keys to.

4 years, 3 collections and one bad breakup later, I was all worked out. It gets tiring when you’re the only one who believes in you. So what happens when you don’t believe in you anymore?

My faith journey began between surrender and forgiveness. Away from the bustling noise of anxiety to the quant sounds of Florida, I found a voice so gentle and kind…yet powerful enough to tear down any facade I had left. I wanted to know who He saw in me, because He spoke of me as a conqueror… as a queen. As if with Him, anything was possible.

It was in 2019 that I walked the stage with my MBA in hand, but in my heart I knew I’d have to choose- would I trust in my works again or would I trust in Him? I chose to trust in Jesus, and it’s been a wildly rewarding ride ever since.


I started this blog to share these experiences and it’s my hope that it would be a resource of encouragement and practical steps to walk out your own faith journey, wherever your beginning may be. God has a hope and a future for each of us, one that is abundantly above all that we could ask for, think, or imagine. He never fails on what He’s promised. And I believe with faith, we’ll see impossibilities become possible in our lives.